13 Lead Generation Strategies & Tactics That Work

13 Lead Generation Strategies & Tactics That Work

Discover 13 proven strategies for effective lead generation to boost your business. Learn tactics that drive results and convert prospects.

Why Effective Lead Generation is Crucial

Effective lead generation is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. Without generating quality leads, your business struggles to grow and sustain itself in a competitive market.

Here’s a quick overview of effective lead generation:

  • Tailor your landing pages: Ensure they have a clear value proposition, social proof, and a mobile-friendly design.
  • Optimize your forms: Keep them simple and visually appealing.
  • Create quality content: Offer relevant information that addresses your audience's pain points.
  • Use live chat functionality: Engage visitors in real-time.
  • Run targeted ads: Use paid search and social media ads to reach your audience.
  • Leverage SEO: Improve organic rankings and gain a competitive edge.
  • A/B test tactics: Find out what works best through experimentation.

Effective lead generation methods help attract potential customers and guide them through their buying journey. It's about creating a seamless, valuable experience for your audience so that they willingly engage with your brand.

Moreover, most marketers face the challenge of generating traffic and leads. In fact, 63% of marketers say this is their biggest challenge. With the right strategies, you can overcome these problems and turn visitors into loyal customers.

lead generation funnel - effective lead generation infographic infographic-line-5-steps

1. Improve Lead Generation Landing Pages

Creating a high-converting landing page is crucial for effective lead generation. Here are key elements to focus on:

Clear Value Proposition

Your landing page must communicate a clear value proposition. This means explaining how users will benefit from sharing their details. For instance, if you’re offering a free e-book, highlight the valuable insights they will gain. Keep it simple and direct.

Social Proof

People trust what others say about you more than what you say about yourself. Use social proof like customer logos, testimonials, or ratings to build credibility. For example, Slack has positive ratings on third-party review sites, which helps instill confidence in potential leads.

Mobile Experience

Make sure your landing page works well on all devices. A great mobile experience is essential since many users will access your page from their phones. Optimize images, buttons, and text for smaller screens to ensure a smooth user experience.

Thank You Message

After a user submits their information, display a "thank you" message. This not only shows appreciation but also informs them about the next steps. A simple, clear message can keep them engaged and set expectations for future interactions.

Every element on your landing page should work together to create a seamless, valuable experience for your audience.

landing page optimization - effective lead generation

Next, we'll explore how to optimize lead generation forms to maximize conversions.

2. Optimize Lead Generation Forms

Lead generation forms are crucial for collecting prospects' information. They are the final step in many lead generation campaigns, so getting them right is essential.

Simple Forms

Simple forms are quick and easy for users to fill out. They often ask for basic information like name and email. This simplicity can improve your conversion rate because they lower the barrier for submission.

Example: A blog subscription box asking only for an email address.

Complex Forms

Complex forms, on the other hand, ask for more detailed information. These forms are useful for filtering out low-quality leads since they require a higher level of interest and effort from the prospect.

Example: A form that asks for job title, company size, and phone number.

Tip: The earlier in the customer journey, the simpler the form should be. Someone more invested in your solution is more likely to volunteer extra details.

Eye-Catching Design

Whatever fields your form contains, it should be eye-catching and easy to use. Use contrasting colors, clear labels, and ample spacing to make the form visually appealing.

Example: Typeform’s lead capture forms provide a conversational, step-by-step process instead of a long form.

Tip: Use conditional logic to personalize forms according to user answers. This reduces the number of fields and lowers friction.

Lead Generation Forms App

If you have limited design or development resources, consider using the Lead Generation Forms app. The drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to build standout forms without needing extensive technical skills.

By optimizing your lead generation forms, you can significantly improve your conversion rates and collect valuable information to personalize your marketing efforts.

Next, we'll look at how to create quality content that captures attention and earns trust.

3. Create Quality Content

Creating quality content is key to effective lead generation. It captures attention, builds trust, and encourages prospects to share their information.

Relevant Content

Your content should address your audience's pain points and provide valuable insights. For example, American Express publishes articles, videos, and podcasts custom for finance professionals. This not only helps their audience but also positions them as an authority in their field.

Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are high-value content pieces that users can access in exchange for their information. Common formats include templates, ebooks, and white papers. For instance, Slack requires users to fill out a form to download their reports. This strategy helps gather leads while offering something valuable in return.

Content Hub

A content hub is a centralized place for all your valuable content. It can include blogs, videos, podcasts, and more. American Express’s content hub is a great example. By providing a variety of resources, they keep their audience engaged and more likely to return.

Semrush Topic Research Tool

Generating content ideas can be challenging. Tools like Semrush’s Topic Research tool can help. Enter a topic and your domain to find subtopics and industry trends you haven't covered yet. This ensures your content remains fresh and relevant to your audience.

Next, we'll explore how to offer live chat functionality to improve user experience and capture leads.

4. Offer Live Chat Functionality

Live chat can be a game-changer for effective lead generation. It allows visitors to get instant answers to their questions, making them less likely to leave your site due to uncertainty.

AI Bots and CRM Integration

Using an AI bot can streamline this process. For example, Kantata's AI bot invites users to request a demo or speak to an expert. This interaction encourages prospects to share their information, which can then be added to your CRM system. This not only captures leads but also gathers valuable data about their needs.

The Conversational Approach

A conversational approach can make visitors more comfortable sharing their details. It feels more personal and less intrusive than traditional forms. By addressing concerns in real-time, you can quickly resolve any doubts that might be holding them back from converting.

Next, we'll explore how to run lead generation ads to drive targeted traffic to your landing pages.

5. Run Lead Generation Ads

Running lead generation ads is a powerful way to attract targeted traffic and convert them into leads. Let's explore some effective tactics for using online ads, paid search, paid social, and display ads to generate leads.

Online Ads

Online ads are a cornerstone of effective lead generation. They allow you to reach a broad audience quickly. These ads can appear on various platforms, including social media, search engines, and websites.

Paid Search

Paid search ads appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for specific keywords. This is a great way to capture high-intent leads who are actively looking for solutions. Google Ads is a popular platform for running paid search campaigns.

Pro Tip: Use Google Ads lead form assets to simplify the process. These forms auto-populate with the user's information, making it easier for them to submit their details.

Paid Social

Paid social ads can be highly effective for reaching your target audience on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These ads can be custom to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your message reaches the right people.

Example: Facebook Lead Ads are designed specifically for lead generation. They include a form that auto-fills with users' information, making it easy for them to submit their details without leaving the platform.

Display Ads

Display ads are visual advertisements that appear on websites across the internet. They can be in the form of banners, images, or videos and are great for building brand awareness and capturing leads.

Tip: Use engaging visuals and clear CTAs to maximize the effectiveness of your display ads.

Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads are a fantastic tool for capturing leads directly on the platform. These ads include a form that auto-fills with the user's information, making it easy for them to submit their details without leaving Facebook.

Case Study: According to HubSpot, businesses have seen significant increases in lead volume by using Facebook Lead Ads. One company reported a 40% increase in new business within six months of implementing a referral program combined with Facebook Lead Ads.

Google Ads Lead Form Assets

Google Ads lead form assets are another excellent tool for capturing leads. These forms appear within the ad itself and auto-fill with the user's information, making it easy for them to submit their details without leaving the search results page.

Example: Canberk Baker tested this strategy and found that using intent data with Google Ads lead form assets resulted in a 1.5x better engagement rate compared to standard campaigns.

In the next section, we'll dig into how leveraging SEO for effective lead generation can give you a competitive edge.

6. Leverage SEO for Effective Lead Generation

Leveraging SEO for effective lead generation is a game-changer. It helps you get high-quality, organic traffic to your site. This means more potential leads without having to pay for every click.

Organic Rankings

First, let's talk about organic rankings. When your site appears at the top of search results, more people will see it and click through. This is crucial for lead generation. According to a study, the first organic result on Google gets about 31.7% of all clicks. Imagine the number of leads you can get if your site ranks at the top!

Competitive Advantage

Ranking higher than your competitors isn't just about visibility. It's about trust. Users tend to trust sites that appear at the top of search results. This gives you a competitive advantage. For instance, Wix ranks second for the keyword "ecommerce website builder," outperforming competitors like Squarespace. This ranking brings Wix around 8,400 unpaid visits per month from Google users in the U.S. alone.

On Page SEO Checker

To achieve these high rankings, you need to optimize your pages. Tools like Semrush’s On Page SEO Checker can help. This tool provides recommendations based on the top 10 results for your target keywords. It analyzes factors like keyword usage, meta tags, and even user experience. By following these suggestions, you can improve your chances of ranking higher.

Tip: Use the On Page SEO Checker to get specific, actionable advice for each page. This can help you fine-tune your content and layout to better meet search engine criteria.

Wix Example

Let’s revisit the Wix example. Their landing page for "ecommerce website builder" is well-optimized with relevant content and targeted keywords. They also use various CTAs to prompt visitors to become leads. This combination of high-quality content and strategic SEO ensures that they not only attract visitors but also convert them into leads.

Key Takeaway: Effective lead generation through SEO requires a mix of good content, strategic keyword use, and ongoing optimization.

Next, we'll explore how A/B testing different lead generation tactics can help you find the most effective strategies.

7. A/B Test Different Lead Generation Tactics

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a powerful way to find out what works best for lead generation. By comparing two versions of a webpage or marketing material, you can see which one performs better and make data-driven decisions.

How It Works

1. Create a Control and a Variant

  • Control: This is your original version.
  • Variant: This is the new version with one change.

For example, if you're testing a landing page, your control might have a "Sign Up Now" button, while the variant has a "Get Started" button.

2. Split Your Audience

Use an A/B testing tool to show the control to 50% of your audience and the variant to the other 50%. This ensures that any differences in performance are due to the change you made.

3. Track Key Metrics

Measure metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and time spent on the page. These metrics will tell you which version is more effective.

Key Metrics to Track

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Percentage of visitors who click on a link or button.
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, like filling out a form.
  • Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page.

Tools to Use

SplitSignal is a great tool for A/B testing, especially for SEO. Once set up, you can launch tests with just a few clicks and easily analyze the results.


Imagine you're running a campaign to get more newsletter sign-ups. You could A/B test two different headlines:

  • Control: "Sign Up for Our Newsletter"
  • Variant: "Join Our Exclusive Community"

By comparing the sign-up rates, you can see which headline attracts more leads.

Why It Matters

A/B testing helps you optimize your lead generation tactics based on real data, not just guesses. This can lead to higher conversion rates and a more effective lead generation strategy.

Key Takeaway: A/B testing allows you to continuously improve your lead generation efforts by making data-driven decisions.

Next, we'll explore how encouraging positive reviews can boost your lead generation efforts.

8. Encourage Positive Reviews

Positive reviews can be a game-changer for effective lead generation. People trust their peers' opinions, and glowing reviews can build confidence in potential leads.

Why Reviews Matter

For example, Slack has excellent ratings on third-party review sites like G2. These positive ratings help build trust and encourage new users to try Slack.

Here’s their average rating on G2:

Slack G2 Rating - effective lead generation

The Power of Google Reviews

If you’re a local business, Google reviews are crucial. They impact your visibility in Google’s map listings. High ratings and a large number of reviews can make your business stand out.

For instance, if you search for "bbq joint in Memphis," the top-ranking businesses have lots of reviews and high average ratings:

Google Reviews - effective lead generation

How to Get Positive Reviews

Encourage happy customers to leave reviews. You can reach out via email after they’ve had time to use your product or service.

Tip: Respond to reviews, both positive and negative. This shows prospects that you care about customer service and can help neutralize any negative feedback.

Tools to Manage Reviews

Managing reviews can be easier with the right tools. For local businesses, tools like Semrush’s Review Management can help track reviews across multiple directories and monitor your reply rates on Google.

Next, we'll discuss how remarketing can help you re-engage prospects and boost lead generation.

9. Try Remarketing

Remarketing (or retargeting) is a powerful tactic for effective lead generation. It involves displaying ads to users who visited your website but didn’t convert. The goal is to re-engage these prospects and turn them into leads.

Re-engage Prospects

When someone visits your site, they often need a little more time or information before making a decision. Remarketing helps keep your brand in front of these warm prospects. For example, if a visitor browsed your product page but didn't make a purchase, a well-timed ad can remind them of what they were interested in.

Lookalike Audiences

Platforms like Google and Facebook offer features to create "lookalike audiences." These are groups of people who share similar characteristics with your existing customers. By targeting these lookalike audiences, you can reach new prospects who are more likely to be interested in your offerings.

Effective Landing Page

For remarketing to work well, you need an effective landing page. This page should be highly targeted, matching the message in your ads. Make sure it has a clear call-to-action and delivers on what the ad promises. A good landing page can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Tips for Remarketing Campaigns

  1. Segment Your Audience: Target specific groups based on their interaction with your site.
  2. Personalize Your Ads: Use dynamic ads that show products or services the visitor viewed.
  3. Test and Optimize: Use A/B testing to find the most effective ad creatives and landing pages.
  4. Frequency Capping: Limit how often your ads are shown to avoid overwhelming users.

By thoughtfully crafting your remarketing campaigns, you can effectively re-engage prospects and turn them into leads, boosting your overall lead generation efforts.

Next, we'll explore how running contests or giveaways can incentivize participation and collect valuable data for your lead generation strategy.

10. Run Contests or Giveaways

Running contests or giveaways is a smart way to boost your lead generation efforts. By offering attractive prizes, you can incentivize participation and collect valuable data from potential customers.

Incentivize Participation

People love winning prizes. Offering something of value can quickly attract a large audience. But the key is to choose a prize that appeals directly to your target market. For example, a cash prize might attract anyone, but a year's subscription to your software will draw in those genuinely interested in your product.

Collect Data

When participants enter your contest, they usually provide their contact details. This data is gold for your marketing efforts. You can follow up with these leads, nurturing them into potential customers. Make sure to get their permission to contact them in the future.

Choose the Right Prize

Selecting the right prize is crucial. If you're a SaaS company, offer a free trial or subscription. This way, the entrants are more likely to be interested in your product. For instance, Quiksilver ran a contest offering their products as prizes, ensuring they attracted participants who were genuinely interested in their brand.

Quiksilver Contest Example - effective lead generation

Real-World Example: Quiksilver

Quiksilver's contest is a great example. They offered their own products as prizes, ensuring that the participants were potential customers who had a genuine interest in their brand. This not only increased participation but also collected valuable data from their target audience.

Next, we'll discuss how offering free tools or trials can attract high-quality leads and provide real value to potential customers.

11. Offer Free Tools or Trials

Offering free tools or trials is a powerful lead generation strategy, especially in the SaaS industry. This approach attracts people who are already interested in your solution and provides them with tangible value.

Why Free Tools or Trials Work

Free tools or trials give potential customers a taste of what your product can do. They allow users to experience the benefits firsthand, making them more likely to convert into paying customers.

Example: Semrush's Free Website Traffic Checker

Semrush offers a free tool called the Free Website Traffic Checker. Users can access this tool without an account, allowing them to see the value Semrush provides. If they want more detailed information, they can sign up for a free account. This not only captures their interest but also their contact details, turning them into leads.

Benefits of Offering Free Tools or Trials

  1. Attracts Interested Prospects: People who use your free tools or trials are likely already looking for solutions you provide.
  2. Provides Immediate Value: Free tools or trials offer immediate benefits, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  3. Incentivizes Sign-Ups: Users are more likely to sign up for a free account to get more features, turning them into leads.

Real-World Example: Semrush

Semrush's strategy is a textbook example of effective lead generation. Their free tool not only attracts potential customers but also encourages them to sign up for more features, transitioning them from leads to paying customers.

Next, we'll explore how hosting online events can help you gather valuable data and engage with your audience.

12. Host an Online Event

Hosting online events can be a powerful way to generate leads. Webinars and virtual events not only engage your audience but also gather valuable data through pre-registration.


Webinars are live or recorded online seminars. They allow you to interact with your audience in real-time, answer questions, and share valuable insights. To maximize attendance, promote your webinars through social media and email campaigns.

Quick Tip: Send out an email reminder a week before and a "last chance to register" reminder the day before the webinar.

Virtual Events

Virtual events are larger online gatherings that offer multiple sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities. They require attendees to register in advance, giving you valuable data about your prospects.

Example: Shopify hosts regular webinars that help users switch from other platforms. People who reserve a virtual seat at these events clearly have high purchase intent. By collecting their details, Shopify can continue the conversation via email or other means to convert them into customers.


Pre-registration creates a sense of anticipation and commitment. This can lead to higher participation and engagement levels. Make sure to choose a topic that will appeal to your target audience.

Case Study: Shopify’s webinars are a great example of how pre-registration can be used effectively. By requiring attendees to register in advance, Shopify gathers data about potential customers and uses this information to nurture leads.

Next, we'll discuss how publishing case studies can showcase your success and attract new leads.

13. Publish Case Studies

Publishing case studies is a powerful way to showcase your business's success and attract new leads. They provide real-world examples of how your products or services have delivered specific, measurable results for customers.

Customer Success Stories

People love stories. Especially stories that show how a problem was solved. Case studies do just that by highlighting customer success stories. They demonstrate the value of your offerings in a relatable and compelling way.

For example, Semrush frequently publishes success stories that showcase the impact of their tools. One such story might detail how a small business increased its website traffic by 50% using Semrush’s SEO tools. These stories provide potential customers with a clear picture of what they can achieve by using your product.

Specific Results

Effective case studies focus on specific results. They include hard numbers and clear outcomes, which help build trust and credibility. For instance, a case study might highlight how a company reduced its customer acquisition costs by 30% after using your service.

Semrush’s success stories often feature detailed metrics, like increased revenue or decreased costs. By showcasing these specific results, you can help potential customers understand the tangible benefits of your offerings.

Semrush Success Stories

Semrush is a great example of how to leverage case studies for lead generation. They publish detailed success stories that highlight the effectiveness of their tools across different industries. Users can filter these stories by client type, industry, and company size, making it easy to find relevant examples.

Each success story on Semrush’s website includes a clear call to action (CTA), prompting readers to sign up for a free account. This not only showcases their product’s value but also encourages potential customers to take the next step.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

Including a strong CTA in your case studies is crucial. After reading about the success others have achieved, potential customers should be encouraged to try your product or service themselves.

For example, a case study might end with a CTA like, "See how our tools can help you achieve similar results. Sign up for a free trial today!" This clear and direct CTA helps convert interested readers into leads.

Publishing case studies that highlight customer success stories and specific results can be a highly effective lead generation strategy. By showcasing real-world examples and including strong CTAs, you can attract and convert new leads.

Next, we'll address some frequently asked questions about effective lead generation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Effective Lead Generation

What is effective lead generation?

Effective lead generation is the process of attracting potential customers to your business and encouraging them to share their contact information. This helps you build a relationship with them and eventually convert them into paying customers. It involves various strategies like creating quality content, using lead generation forms, and running ads to capture interest.

What are the best strategies for lead generation?

There are several best strategies for lead generation that have proven to be effective:

  • Paid Media Campaigns: Online ads, such as Google Ads and Facebook Lead Ads, are a great way to reach a wider audience quickly.
  • Retargeting: This strategy involves showing ads to people who have already visited your website but didn't convert. It helps in re-engaging prospects.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are excellent for engaging with your audience and driving traffic to your site.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics can engage users and collect valuable data.
  • Referrals: Encourage your existing customers to refer new leads by offering incentives or rewards.
  • Customer Care Calls: Follow up with your existing customers to offer additional products or services.
  • Lead Nurturing: Use email marketing and personalized content to build relationships with leads over time.
  • Networking: Attend industry events, webinars, and online forums to connect with potential leads.

How to effectively generate leads?

To effectively generate leads, you need a well-rounded approach that combines multiple tactics:

  1. Create Quality Content: Offer valuable and relevant content that addresses your audience's pain points and interests.
  2. Use Lead Magnets: Provide free resources like eBooks, webinars, or trials to attract leads.
  3. Optimize Your Website: Ensure your landing pages and forms are user-friendly and mobile-optimized.
  4. Run Paid Media Campaigns: Invest in online ads to reach a broader audience.
  5. Implement Retargeting: Re-engage visitors who have shown interest but haven't converted.
  6. Leverage Social Proof: Use customer reviews and testimonials to build trust.
  7. Offer Live Chat: Provide real-time assistance to website visitors through live chat or AI bots.
  8. Host Online Events: Webinars and virtual events can attract a large number of leads.
  9. Publish Case Studies: Showcase customer success stories to demonstrate your value.
  10. Encourage Referrals: Motivate your existing customers to refer new leads.

By combining these strategies, you can create a robust lead generation plan that attracts, nurtures, and converts prospects into loyal customers.


Effective lead generation is the lifeblood of any business. By implementing the strategies we've discussed, you can attract, nurture, and convert prospects into loyal customers. The key is to continually iterate and adapt your approach based on what works best for your audience.

At Clarity Messaging, we specialize in creating high-converting websites and campaigns custom to your business needs. Our founder, Jordan Ryskamp, is a StoryBrand Certified Guide, which means we excel in crafting clear messaging that resonates with your audience.

As a WebFlow Expert, we ensure your website is not only visually appealing but also highly functional and optimized for performance. This combination of expertise and efficiency helps us deliver top-notch results swiftly.

Ready to transform your lead generation strategy? Contact us today and let's build something great together.

By choosing Clarity Messaging, you're opting for expertise, efficiency, and excellence. Let's make your website a customer-generating machine.

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