Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide to StoryBrand Certification

Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide to StoryBrand Certification

Become a StoryBrand Certified Guide: Gain marketing expertise, exclusive tools, and a competitive edge. Unlock your potential today!

Why StoryBrand Certification Matters

If you're looking to become a StoryBrand Certified Guide, you're in the right place. This certification can open up new opportunities and lift your marketing expertise in a big way.

Here's a quick rundown of the basics:- Creator: Donald Miller- Focus: Use storytelling to clarify your brand message- Main Idea: Make customers the hero of their own story

Imagine a world where your marketing messages resonate perfectly with your audience. That's the power of the StoryBrand Framework, created by Donald Miller.

Most brands spend too much time talking about themselves. Miller's method flips the script. Instead, make your customer the hero. Address their problems, show you're the guide, and outline a clear plan for them to follow. This way, you help them achieve success.

But why go the extra mile to become a certified guide? Certification not only deepens your understanding of the framework but also gives you exclusive rights to use it with your clients. Plus, you'll join a community of like-minded professionals and have access to valuable resources.

How StoryBrand Certification Works - StoryBrand Certified Guide infographic roadmap-5-steps

Now, let’s dive deeper into what it means to be a StoryBrand Certified Guide and the benefits it brings to your business.

What is a StoryBrand Certified Guide?

A StoryBrand Certified Guide is more than just a marketing consultant. They are experts trained in the StoryBrand framework, a powerful tool created by Donald Miller that helps businesses clarify their message and connect better with their customers.

Marketing Consultant

At the heart of it, a StoryBrand Guide is a marketing consultant. They help businesses identify their goals, create strategies to achieve them, and often execute these strategies. This can include:

  • Writing website copy
  • Developing email campaigns
  • Designing lead-generating PDFs
  • Creating sales funnels

For example, Julia Block Pearson, a successful StoryBrand Guide, went from struggling with confidence in her marketing business to leading a team of 11 people and significantly increasing her revenue. She attributes her success to the StoryBrand framework.

Brand Ambassador

StoryBrand Guides are also brand ambassadors for the StoryBrand framework. This means they promote and champion the effectiveness of this method. They help businesses shift their focus from talking about themselves to addressing their customers' problems and positioning themselves as the guide to solve those problems.

As a StoryBrand Guide, you can advertise the StoryBrand workshop and even earn a commission for promoting it. Plus, you'll be listed in the Guide directory, which is great for generating leads.

StoryBrand Framework

The StoryBrand framework is a seven-part process that helps businesses create clear and compelling messages. It includes:

  1. Character: Define who your customer is.
  2. Problem: Identify the problem your customer faces.
  3. Guide: Position your business as the guide to solve this problem.
  4. Plan: Outline a clear plan for your customer to follow.
  5. Call to Action: Encourage your customer to take action.
  6. Success: Show what success looks like.
  7. Avoid Failure: Highlight what happens if they don't take action.

By using this framework, StoryBrand Guides help businesses create marketing materials that speak directly to their customers' needs and desires, making them more effective and engaging.

Notable StoryBrand Guides

Some notable StoryBrand Guides include:

  • Wes Gay
  • Claire Diaz-Ortiz
  • Ryan Toth
  • Joshua Gott
  • Matthew Banker

These professionals have used the StoryBrand framework to help countless businesses achieve remarkable success.

Marketing Consultant - StoryBrand Certified Guide

In summary, a StoryBrand Certified Guide is a marketing consultant and brand ambassador who uses the StoryBrand framework to help businesses clarify their message and connect with their customers. This certification not only equips you with powerful marketing tools but also connects you with a supportive community of like-minded professionals.

Next, let's explore the benefits of becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide and how it can transform your business.

Benefits of Becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide

Becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide offers many benefits that can transform your marketing career and business. Let's break down the key advantages:

Competitive Advantage

In a crowded market, standing out is crucial. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, you gain a unique certification that only a select group of marketers have. This sets you apart and makes you more attractive to potential clients.

Donald Miller, the creator of StoryBrand, believes that this certification gives you a competitive edge because it equips you with a proven framework to get results.

Marketing Expertise

The StoryBrand framework improves your marketing skills, especially in copywriting. By mastering this framework, you're not just improving your ability to write compelling copy; you're learning to create entire marketing strategies that resonate with audiences.

Julia Block Pearson, a successful StoryBrand Guide, shared, "In the past month, I’ve invoiced more than I ever have in the previous 22 years of being in business, and it’s all because of StoryBrand."

Business Growth

Investing in the certification can lead to significant business growth. Many certified guides report seeing a return on investment within 3-6 months. For example, Pearson tripled her revenue from 2020 to 2021 after becoming certified.

The certification is a $10,000 investment, but the potential for growth is immense. Most guides find that the initial cost is quickly recouped through increased client engagement and higher fees.

Exclusive Tools

As a certified guide, you get access to exclusive tools and resources that can make your job easier and more effective. These tools are designed to help you implement the StoryBrand framework efficiently, ensuring that your clients see real results.

Community Support

One of the most valuable aspects of becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide is the community. You'll join a network of like-minded professionals who are committed to helping each other succeed. This community offers ongoing support, resources, and opportunities for collaboration.

Chris Rivera, a StoryBrand Certified Guide, emphasized the importance of community: "The COMMUNITY!!!!! There are no words (even for a marketer)! And, the resources you guys are always working hard to make even better...all I can say is wow."

In summary, the benefits of becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide extend beyond just a certification. You gain a competitive edge, improve your marketing expertise, and access exclusive tools and a supportive community. These advantages can lead to significant business growth and long-term success.

Next, let's dive into the steps you need to take to become a StoryBrand Certified Guide.

How to Become a StoryBrand Certified Guide

Becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide is a journey that involves several key steps. Let's break it down:

Application Process

First, you need to apply on the StoryBrand website. The application form is straightforward but requires some thought. You'll need to explain how you plan to use the certification to benefit your clients. Also, you’ll need to attach some of your previous marketing work, like a website or portfolio.


Once your application is submitted, you'll have a brief interview with someone from the StoryBrand team. This interview helps them understand your goals and assess your fit for the program.


If accepted, you’ll be invited to attend the live StoryBrand workshop. The workshop includes a special Guide track with breakout sessions for Guide candidates. This immersive training is crucial for mastering the StoryBrand framework.

Certification Cost

Here’s the kicker: the cost to attend the live workshop as a potential Guide is approximately $10,000. While this might seem steep, StoryBrand believes most Guides will recoup this investment within 3-6 months. Some have even tripled their revenue in a year, like Julia Block Pearson, who shared, "In the past month, I’ve invoiced more than I ever have in the previous 22 years of being in business, and it’s all because of StoryBrand."

Time Investment

The training itself is a 4-day intensive workshop. However, preparing for the application and interview, as well as integrating the framework into your practice, will take additional time. But remember, this investment can lead to substantial business growth and personal satisfaction.

Once you complete the workshop, you’ll receive an official StoryBrand Certified Guide badge. This certification is valid for one year, after which a re-certification fee is required, but you won’t need to re-attend the workshop.

Next, let's explore the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework that you'll master during your training.

The StoryBrand 7-Part Framework

The StoryBrand 7-Part Framework is a powerful tool that helps businesses clarify their messages. Developed by Donald Miller, this framework simplifies your marketing, making it easier for customers to understand and engage with your brand. Let's break down each part of this framework:

Aspirational Identity

Aspirational Identity is about who your customer wants to become. It's their ideal self. When you tap into this, you connect with their deeper desires. For example, a fitness brand might show how their products help customers become healthier and more confident.


The Character is your customer. Instead of focusing on what your company does, focus on what your customer wants. This shift in perspective makes your messaging more relatable and customer-centric.


Every story has a Problem that needs solving. Identify your customer's problem clearly. Donald Miller emphasizes, "When you clarify your message, customers engage. But if your message is confusing, customers ignore you." Make it obvious what problem you solve.


Your business is the Guide. Position yourself as the expert who helps the customer overcome their problem. This is where your authority and empathy come into play. Show that you understand their struggles and have the solution they need.


A Plan gives your customers a clear path to follow. Break down the steps they need to take to do business with you. This reduces their anxiety and makes it easier for them to engage with your product or service.

Call to Action

A strong Call to Action (CTA) tells your customers exactly what to do next. Be direct and clear. Whether it's "Buy Now," "Schedule a Call," or "Download the Guide," a compelling CTA drives action.


Show your customers what Success looks like. Paint a vivid picture of the positive outcomes they can expect. This helps them envision their future with your product or service, making them more likely to take action.

Avoid Failure

Lastly, highlight what your customers stand to lose if they don't take action. Avoid Failure by addressing the negative consequences of not solving their problem. This creates a sense of urgency and motivates them to act.

By mastering the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework, you'll craft clear, compelling messages that resonate with your audience. This framework is a game-changer for any business looking to improve its marketing strategy.

Next, we'll discuss the financial and time investment required to become a StoryBrand Certified Guide.

Financial and Time Investment

Becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide is a significant investment, both financially and in terms of time. Let's break down what you can expect.

Certification Cost

The certification cost for becoming a StoryBrand Guide is around $10,000. This might seem steep, especially if you're just starting out. However, think of it as an investment in your future. Compared to a degree program, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars more and take years to complete, this is relatively affordable.

Return on Investment (ROI)

The good news is that the ROI can be substantial. StoryBrand's goal is for Guides to make 10 times their investment within the first year. Some have reported making their money back in as little as one month. For example, one Guide made $6,500 in his first three months simply by being listed in the Guide directory.

Time Commitment

The time commitment to become certified is also minimal compared to traditional education. It takes just two days to complete the certification process. That's right—48 hours of intensive training with Donald Miller and the StoryBrand team.

Comparison to Degree Programs

When comparing StoryBrand certification to a degree program, the benefits become clear:

  • Cost: A four-year degree can cost upwards of $40,000, while StoryBrand certification is $10,000.
  • Time: A degree takes years to complete, whereas you can become a certified guide in just two days.
  • Practical Application: StoryBrand immerses you in real-world marketing concepts and networks, much like a university would, but in a fraction of the time.

In summary, while the initial investment might seem high, the potential for a quick and substantial ROI makes it worth considering. Plus, the time commitment is minimal, allowing you to start reaping the benefits almost immediately.

Next, let's explore some success stories and testimonials from those who have become StoryBrand Certified Guides.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Revenue Growth

Julia Block Pearson's journey is a perfect example of how becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide can transform your business. She struggled with confidence in her marketing strategies and undercharged for her services. But after embracing the StoryBrand Framework, her business skyrocketed. Julia shared, "In the past month, I’ve invoiced more than I ever have in the previous 22 years of being in business, and it’s all because of StoryBrand."

Another compelling story comes from a guide who tripled his revenue from 2020 to 2021. He noted, "Thanks to this certification and incredible community, I brought my wife home from her job, and I never have to miss out on a moment with our son."

Business Change

The change isn't just about revenue. Becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide can fundamentally change how you run your business. Julia now leads a successful team of 11 people and enjoys a balanced life. She attributes her success to the StoryBrand community and resources, saying, "This was the best business decision I have ever made."

One guide mentioned how the certification helped establish a solid marketing strategy foundation for his clients, resulting in better online visibility. "The strategy Jordan has put together for me is specifically helping with my lead generation efforts. I’ve seen website traffic increase 50% in the last 60 days and have gotten 25% more leads."

Community Impact

The StoryBrand community is another significant benefit. Julia highlights, "The COMMUNITY!!!!! There are no words (even for a marketer)!" The support and resources available to certified guides provide ongoing opportunities for learning and networking.

Another guide shared, "I would not put SO much stock in the certification. I have seen some of these guides' websites and while they use the framework properly, their writing skills are not always up to par." This shows that while the StoryBrand Framework is powerful, the community encourages continuous improvement and skill development.

These success stories illustrate the profound impact that becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide can have on revenue, business operations, and community engagement. If you're ready to open up your potential, this certification could be your next big step.

Up next, let's address some Frequently Asked Questions about StoryBrand Certification.

Frequently Asked Questions about StoryBrand Certification

Is StoryBrand certification worth it?

Absolutely. StoryBrand certification offers a significant return on investment (ROI). Many certified guides report making back their $10,000 investment in just a few months. One guide even made $6,500 within the first three months just by being listed in the Guide directory.

The certification not only boosts your marketing expertise but also improves customer engagement. By mastering the StoryBrand framework, you'll be able to create clear and compelling messages that resonate with clients. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and business growth.

How much does a StoryBrand Certified Guide cost?

The financial investment for becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide is around $10,000. While this might seem steep, consider the comparison to a degree program. Unlike a 4-year degree, the StoryBrand certification can be completed in just two days, making it a time-efficient alternative.

Moreover, the potential for ROI is high. StoryBrand aims for their guides to make 10X their investment within the first year. Even if you don't hit that mark, the certification often pays for itself within months.

What are the steps to become a StoryBrand Guide?

  1. Application Process:
  2. Fill out a form on the StoryBrand website.
  3. Explain how you plan to use the certification to help your clients.
  4. Attach previous marketing work (e.g., website, portfolio).

  5. Interview:

  6. Have a brief interview with someone from the StoryBrand team.

  7. Training:

  8. Attend a live StoryBrand workshop, either in-person in Nashville, TN, or online.
  9. Complete a special Guide track during the workshop.

Once you complete these steps, you’ll be a certified StoryBrand Guide. The certification is valid for one year, after which you'll need to pay a re-certification fee to maintain your status.

Ready to open up your potential? The next section will dig into the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework.


Open uping your potential as a StoryBrand Certified Guide is more than just a certification—it's a gateway to changing your marketing business. At Clarity Messaging, we understand the power of clear, compelling messaging. Our founder, Jordan Ryskamp, leverages his expertise as a StoryBrand Certified Guide to craft high-quality websites that speak directly to your audience’s needs.

High-Quality Websites

We pride ourselves on delivering top-notch websites that not only look great but also convert visitors into customers. By using the StoryBrand framework, we ensure that your website tells a compelling story, guiding visitors seamlessly from interest to action.

Quick Turnaround

In today’s digital world, time is of the essence. We offer quick turnaround times so you can start reaping the benefits of a high-converting website without delay. Our streamlined processes and expert team make it possible to deliver exceptional results swiftly.


With Jordan Ryskamp at the helm, our team brings a wealth of expertise to every project. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, Jordan ensures that every piece of content, every design element, and every strategy aligns with the proven StoryBrand framework. This expertise translates into websites that not only look good but also perform exceptionally well.

Ready to turn your website into a customer-generating machine? Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a high-converting website that drives results.

By choosing Clarity Messaging, you’re opting for expertise, efficiency, and excellence. Let’s build something great together.

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