Transform Your Online Presence with These StoryBrand Website Tips

Transform Your Online Presence with These StoryBrand Website Tips

Transform your site with StoryBrand website tips for a clear message, strong design, and better user experience. Boost conversions now!

Why Websites Matter: The Power of a First Impression

Your website is often the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand. Donald Miller, Chief Guide of StoryBrand, puts it succinctly:

"Your website is likely the first impression a potential customer will receive about your company. It’s almost like a first date. The customer simply needs to know that you have something they want, and you can be trusted to deliver whatever that is."

StoryBrand website tips can significantly improve this critical first impression. Here’s a quick summary for immediate action:

  • Clear Value Proposition: Make sure visitors instantly understand what you offer.
  • Engaging Header: Include a direct call-to-action and appealing imagery.
  • Strong Stakes Section: Highlight the risks of not choosing your service.

A well-crafted website serves as your digital storefront. It’s where you can showcase your brand in the best possible light. The Marketing Made Simple framework by Donald Miller provides an excellent foundation for creating websites that not only attract attention but also convert visitors into loyal customers.

We'll dig deep into how you can implement these StoryBrand website tips to make your digital presence irresistible.

summary of key StoryBrand tips for websites - StoryBrand website tips infographic infographic-line-5-steps-colors

The Basics of StoryBrand Website Design

Creating a StoryBrand website involves using specific building blocks that work together to present a clear, compelling, and customer-focused message. These elements are derived from your BrandScript and are designed to make your site a polished sales tool.

The Header/Hero

The Header or Hero section is the most crucial part of your website. It needs to pass the "Grunt Test," answering three key questions:

  • What do you offer?
  • How will it make my life better?
  • What do I need to do to buy it?

Include a direct call-to-action (CTA) both in the upper-right corner and the middle of the header. Use a background image that appeals to the aspirational identity of your customer. This section should immediately grab attention and communicate the core value of your offering.

The Stakes

The Stakes section highlights what your customer's life would look like if they don’t do business with you. Address their external, internal, and philosophical problems. If possible, quantify the monetary loss they might incur. This makes the stakes more tangible and the need for your product or service more urgent.

The Value Proposition

Position your product or service as the solution to the customer's problem in the Value Proposition section. Use a "value stack" with three pithy statements, each accompanied by an icon. This makes it easy for visitors to grasp the benefits quickly and visually.

The Guide

In the Guide section, focus on showing empathy and authority. Empathy connects you to your customers by demonstrating that you understand their problems. Authority shows you can solve them. Include customer testimonials, logos of brands you've worked with, or results your customers have achieved to build credibility.

The Plan

Make it easy for potential customers to do business with you. Outline a simple 3-step process:

  1. Visit our website
  2. Purchase a product
  3. Enjoy your product

Keep these steps clear and actionable to guide your customer journey smoothly.

The Explanatory Paragraph

This section provides more detail about your brand story, often using a long-form BrandScript. It’s also a good place for on-page SEO. Consider a "Read More" dropdown to keep the text concise while offering more information for those interested.

The Video

While optional, a 2-3-minute video can be a powerful tool. It should tell your brand story in a customer-centric, polished manner. Use elements from your BrandScript to write the script, ensuring the video is both engaging and informative.

The Price Choices

Showcase your best three products or packages, even if you offer more. Position your most profitable option as the middle-tier choice, as customers often gravitate towards it. This makes it easier for them to make a decision.

The Junk Drawer

Finally, the Junk Drawer or footer is where you place links to your about page, blog, employment opportunities, and other additional links. This keeps your header uncluttered and makes it easy for visitors to find other useful information without overwhelming them.

By implementing these StoryBrand website tips, you can create a website that not only looks great but also drives conversions. Let’s dive deeper into why this approach works so effectively.

Why Use StoryBrand Website Design?

The Header

The Header is the first thing visitors see when they land on your website. It’s crucial to make a strong first impression. Your header should pass the "Grunt Test," answering these three questions:

  • What do you offer?
  • How will it make my life better?
  • What do I need to do to buy it?

Include a direct call-to-action (CTA) in both the upper-right corner and the center of the header. Use a background image that resonates with your customer's aspirational identity. This approach ensures your message is clear and compelling right from the start.

The Stakes

The Stakes section identifies what your customer's life looks like if they don’t do business with you. This is where you address their external, internal, and philosophical problems. Use simple imagery and bullet points to make this section easy to digest. If possible, quantify the monetary loss they might face. This makes the stakes more real and urgent.

Value Proposition

In the Value Proposition section, position your product or service as the solution to the customer's problems. Use a "value stack" with 3-5 concise statements, each accompanied by an icon or animation. This makes it easier for visitors to quickly understand the benefits. Ensure your value proposition aligns with your BrandScript for consistency.

Be the Guide

In the Guide section, show both empathy and authority. Empathy connects you to your customers by showing you understand their problems. Authority demonstrates you can solve those problems. Include customer testimonials, logos of brands you've worked with, and impactful data to build credibility. Social proof is powerful; it reassures potential customers that they can trust you.

The Plan

Make it easy for potential customers to do business with you by outlining a simple 3-step process. For example:

  1. Visit our website
  2. Purchase a product
  3. Enjoy your product

Keep the steps clear and actionable. This helps guide your customers smoothly through their journey, reducing any friction they might encounter.

By implementing these StoryBrand website tips, you can create a website that not only looks great but also drives conversions. Let’s dive deeper into why this approach works so effectively.

Tips for Quality UX Design

Crafting a user-friendly website is essential for keeping visitors engaged and converting them into customers. Here are some StoryBrand website tips to ensure a high-quality user experience (UX):

Simplicity is key. Limit your main navigation to no more than five links. These should be the most critical sections of your website, such as "Home," "About Us," "Services," "Blog," and "Contact." This makes it easy for users to find what they're looking for without feeling overwhelmed.

Avoid large dropdown menus. While they might look cleaner, they can be equally confusing. Instead, prioritize important items in your main navigation and place secondary links in the footer.

Less is more. Too many links can clutter your website and distract users. Focus on what's essential for guiding visitors through your site. If you have additional content, consider using collapsible sections or "Read More" dropdowns to keep the main pages clean.

Accessibility Guidelines

Design for everyone. Follow accessibility guidelines to ensure your website is usable by people with disabilities. This includes using high-contrast colors, providing text alternatives for images, and ensuring your site is navigable by keyboard.

Google rewards accessibility. Not only is it the right thing to do, but accessible websites also tend to rank better in search results.

CTA Design

Make CTAs stand out. Your calls-to-action (CTAs) should be a contrasting color from the rest of your website to ensure they are easily noticeable.

Place CTAs strategically. Include a CTA in the top right corner of your website and in multiple places on each page. This encourages users to take action no matter where they are on your site.

Contrasting Color

Improve visibility. Using a contrasting color for important elements like CTAs and links makes them stand out. This helps guide users' eyes to the actions you want them to take, improving the overall user experience.

Multiple Placements

Repetition is effective. Place your CTAs in several key locations, such as at the end of sections, in the sidebar, and within the main content. This ensures that no matter where a user is on your site, they have an easy path to take the next step.

By implementing these StoryBrand website tips, you can create a website that is not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly. This approach ensures that visitors have a seamless experience, making them more likely to convert into loyal customers.

By following these tips, you can ensure your website is user-friendly and effective. - StoryBrand website tips infographic 4<em>facts</em>emoji_light-gradient

Next, let's dive into frequently asked questions about StoryBrand website tips to address common queries and provide further insights.

Frequently Asked Questions about StoryBrand Website Tips

What are the 7 steps StoryBrand?

The StoryBrand Framework, created by Donald Miller, is a 7-step process designed to clarify your brand message. Here are the steps:

  1. A Character: Your customer is the hero of the story. Identify who they are and what they want.
  2. Has a Problem: Define the problem your customer faces. This includes external (visible issues), internal (emotional struggles), and philosophical (why it's just plain wrong).
  3. Meets a Guide: Position your brand as the guide who helps the hero. Show empathy and authority.
  4. That Has a Plan: Provide a clear plan to help the customer solve their problem. Usually, this is a simple 3-step plan.
  5. Calls Them to Action: Encourage the customer to take action with direct and transitional calls to action.
  6. That Ends in Success: Paint a picture of what success looks like if they take action.
  7. That Helps Them Avoid Failure: Highlight the negative consequences if they do not take action.

This framework ensures your messaging is clear and compelling, leading to better customer engagement.

How to StoryBrand a website?

StoryBranding a website involves applying the StoryBrand Framework to your web design and content. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a Clear Header/Hero Section: Ensure your header communicates what you offer, how it benefits the customer, and how they can get it. Include a direct call-to-action (CTA) and an aspirational image.

  2. Identify the Stakes: Clearly outline what the customer stands to lose if they don't use your product or service. Address their external, internal, and philosophical problems.

  3. Showcase Your Value Proposition: List 3-5 benefits the customer will receive from your product or service. Use concise bullet points and icons to make it visually appealing.

  4. Be the Guide: Use customer testimonials, case studies, and data to establish your empathy and authority.

  5. Outline a Simple Plan: Present a 3-step plan that shows how easy it is to work with you and achieve success.

  6. Use an Explanatory Paragraph: Craft a long-form paragraph that tells your brand story and includes on-page SEO elements.

  7. Optional Video: If possible, include a 2-3 minute video that explains your brand story and value proposition in a customer-centric way.

  8. Offer Price Choices: Display your best three products or packages, making it easy for customers to choose.

  9. Use the Footer (Junk Drawer): Include links to your FAQ, blog, contact page, and social media profiles.

By following these steps, your website will be clear, engaging, and more likely to convert visitors into customers.

What is the external problem in StoryBrand?

In the StoryBrand Framework, the external problem is the visible issue that your customer is facing. It's the tangible problem that your product or service aims to solve. For example, if you're a lawn care company, the external problem might be that the customer's lawn is overgrown and unattractive.

Understanding the external problem is crucial because it directly connects to the customer's immediate needs. Addressing it clearly on your website helps potential customers quickly recognize that you have the solution they are looking for.

By identifying and addressing the external problem, you make it easier for customers to see the value in your offerings and take action.

Next, let's explore how StoryBrand website design emotionally appeals to customers and why it's a powerful model for engaging your audience.


At Clarity Messaging, we specialize in creating high-quality, StoryBranded websites with quick turnaround times. Our founder, Jordan Ryskamp, is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and WebFlow Expert, ensuring that every website we build is not only visually stunning but also highly functional and optimized for performance.

Why Choose Clarity Messaging?

Expertise and Certification

Jordan Ryskamp’s certification as a StoryBrand Guide means we are experts in clear messaging. We know how to craft websites that speak directly to your audience’s needs and desires. Our services help businesses get high-quality websites quickly, which is crucial in today’s digital world.

Quick Turnaround

Time is of the essence. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver top-notch websites swiftly. Our quick turnaround times ensure that your business can start reaping the benefits of a high-converting website without delay.

High-Quality Websites

Our websites are not just pretty faces. They are well-tested, user-friendly, and designed to convert visitors into customers. We use the best tools and practices to build websites that are optimized for performance, ensuring fast load times and a smooth user experience.

Customer-Centric Approach

We follow the StoryBrand framework to ensure that your website is customer-centric. This means that every element of your website is designed to make it easy for visitors to understand what you offer, how it benefits them, and how they can get it. This clarity leads to better customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

By choosing Clarity Messaging, you’re opting for expertise, efficiency, and excellence. Let’s build something great together.

Ready to transform your online presence? Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a high-converting website that drives results.

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